Happy New Year 229

I rang in the new year at 229 pounds. I haven’t decided if there should be an exclamation point there, yet. 2010: 229 pounds. If you remember, I rang in 2008 at 401 pounds. Two years, 172 pounds.
I am not completely happy about my slow progress, however. I lost over 170 pounds on the Lindora plan in just 10 months many years ago, making it hard to be thrilled at the same results in twice as long. Even less happy about the need to lose it all again after previously swearing to myself that I would not regain the weight. The only good thing to come out of this is that I truly believed in my ability to lose the weight, no matter how long it took. I remain confident that I can succeed. As long as I don’t lose sight of my goals. Which is the real trick, isn’t it?
No new year’s resolutions for me. But I am training for my first half-marathon at the end of May. My wife was all excited for the L.A. Marathon when it came through here last year. She caught herself up in the fervor and declared that next year she will run the marathon and begin her training straight away – and told everyone she encountered. Her running shoes have been gathering dust for almost 3 months. But I think the bug has bitten me. No longer is running a marathon something that I imagine wistfully, like winning the lottery. It is something that I know I can train to do, and soon! I talked to a coworker with some marathon experience, she has been following my running training somewhat over the last year, and we have decided to train for the Laguna Hills Memorial Day Half Marathon. A half marathon is a good goal for me, as it is a little more than twice as long as my current longest run.
So, I may not be happy but I am excited.
