Have a nice fall!

I can’t say this is my first running injury since I started training earlier this year, but this is my first injury from falling out on the road. I feel really stupid because it was a very light run and I am hurt worse than I think I should be.
I was out jogging with the wife, doing her C25K routine when I stumbled over a rock on the side of the road. I fell forward and brought my arms up to shield my head and face, but not quite in time. I went down on the side of the road with lots of loose gravel and palm sized rocks. Of course my knees and arms were scraped up pretty badly and I was sore but we were only a little over half a mile from finishing so I told the wife I was good to go and we finished our run.
After washing the dirt and gravel out of my arms and knees I noticed that I landed with more of my weight on the left side, that’s where the shoulder shows signs of the impact. I also jammed my left fist up into my ribcage – that’s the source of ninety-nine percent of my present discomfort. I think I bruised a rib or two. I couldn’t lie in bed to sleep, and getting up was torturous. I finally just went to sleeep sitting upright on the love seat. Deep breaths hurt. Laughing hurts. Bending hurts. Nearly everything hurts.
I took a sick day from work to rest and heal. Lots of vitamins, natch. I am moving alot better tonight. Thank the stars for ibuprofen, I can’t imagine how much pain I would be in without the stuff. I will be back to work in the morning but I don’t know when I will be able to run without pain. And I have a new pair of shoes on the way from Roadrunner sports that I am itching to try out! Oh the agony!
