This morning I stepped on the scale and it flashed 226 point something, because it is that kind of scale, but I never bother remembering what is after the point when the numbers before the point are so high. That marks 175 pounds shed since I began my endeavor on January 1, 2008. That is 23 months, seven days. Almost two full years.
I can’t believe it has taken me almost two full years to lose that much weight. I remember losing the weight on Lindora in just ten months. It was on a very restrictive diet, albeit very well supervised. But the results were there, and I did learn how to keep it off for over five years. Six years and change would be a little more accurate. But I got away from my plan, my maintenance. It was even something they warned me about – that maintenance required work and I could never go back to the way I was unless I wanted to go back to the size I was. But real life happens, and we sometimes lose sight of our goals.
That was all so much easier for me to do because I never did get my post weight loss surgery the first time. I still had the hanging skin and deflated belly roll, leg flab and chest excess – it was just smaller, thinner. And waiting. Waiting to be refilled. If I got away from checking the scale then it could refill itself with many pounds of fat again before I noticed a significant difference in the way I moved. If I had gotten the surgery then I would have noticed a new bulge or roll develop, but since it looked like the same old landscape it didn’t get my attention. Until I had to buy larger clothes.
That’s where stretchy pants perform their evil deeds! Stretchy pants allow us to lie to ourselves and convince us that we have only gained a couple of pounds – not twenty/thirty/forty! Stretchy pants lie!!! But only because we let them. And once you start listening to the stretchy pants it is not long before forty pounds becomes one hundred. Then one hundred invites its friends. And then you have to ask for a seat belt extender. And nobody wants to set next to you because your fat is squishily spreading into the next seat. Which, I guess, isn’t the worst thing in the world, but then you probably need a seat belt spotter to make sure you are belted-in securely because you can’t see over the horizon of your own belly button.
All that aside, I am fairly pleased with my success. Yes, I seem to be hard on myself for having regained the weight. I think I have that right. But I have a safe goal in sight: a healthy BMI. I don’t starve myself, and I try to eat right. Lots of fruits and vegetables, easy on the fatty meats. I take my vitamins and exercise regularly (except for this last month because I have hurt myself). I stopped smoking over a year ago, and drinking has been severely curtailed (those are the emptiest calories!). My blood pressure is normal and my blood sugar test good. And I can run a mile in under ten and a half minutes! That really makes me happy.
This post wasn’t meant to be this long – I only wanted something here to commemorate the milestone, not sum up my life’s work. Where is the pause button on this thing…
